Monday, March 21, 2011

చెప్పండి - Tell me

చెప్పండి : Cheppandi

I love the inadvertent bluntness of Indians. People will tell you want they really think without the euphemisms that American culture has created to make us all feel good about ourselves by not being offensive. We have one translator who does this to a “fault” (again, by my narcissistic and caudle-intensive American standards). She will constantly tell everyone how to do things stating that “this is better, no?” She will also counsel me on my weight loss. “Jaci, I tell you one thing, if you lose a little weight you look very better,” etc. She means well and I love her for it.
This is how Indians, at least all the one’s I know, will address you and converse. It makes getting to the point very easy, especially when you ask them to spell it out for you. Oddly enough, because of the restrictions of research (the need to avoid psychological suggestion as much as possible) it is difficult to have this same type of responses. With my friends I can catch nuances and ask them about those nuances dichotomously and eventually reach an understanding. With my research I have to let the subject volunteer information and then only inquire about what is volunteered and not “give” them any “ideas”. It’s all very interesting and I love it.
I’ve decided to end every post with one thing that I have learned to love about India.

I love blunt Indian speech J

With love from India,

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