Sunday, March 27, 2011

District Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is growing so much here in the Bangalore Mission. Just last week the split the district in two: the Visakhapatnam District and the Rajamundhry District. Today was Vizag District Conference and Sam, Amy, and I were in charge of music for the congregation and choir. It went fantastically! We've had so many practices and the members have improved their singing so much. I felt the spirit so strongly. When the District President bid farewell to all the BYU students and thanked us for all of our help I nearly cried. This place has become home to me and I now I don't want to leave. This place is home and these people are family.

Our beautiful Vizag Branch choir

Venkatesh, Krishna Veny, Me, Sam, Pradeepa

Sam the ladies man


Me, Krishna Veny, Sis. Madi, Pradeepa

Sis Deviashri and family

Bro. Manuel - makes my heart cry every time he plays the violin. What a testimony!

Krishna Veny


Our missionaries are more fly than yours. Fo sho!
Elder Kumbakar and Elder Stephen

I love the Vizag District members. I love my India.

With love from my home,


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