Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Srimantum and Farwells

Our cook is named Durga. She is a beautiful 21 year old girl who is 7 months pregnant with her second child. Her first pregnancy resulted in a still birth, so there is a great deal of concern about this second baby. The program, meaning Dr. Krishnayya and Dr. Nuckolls, takes very good care of her and she, in turn, takes VERY good care of us. If you doubt that just look at my waist line and you will see her nurturing affects. Part of Hindu rituals involve pregnancy rituals and blessings. This is all celebrated during a “Srimantum” (a religious baby shower of sorts). Amy Drake, my super “Natti” roommate, is studying Hindu infant and child care practices. She decided to throw this lovely woman an extravagant (seriously incredible by Indian standards) Srimantum party! She is such a sweet heart!
We had a blast! The Brahmin priest came, there were lots of people, a throne for the mother of the day and we participated in putting rice on Durga’s head for auspiciousness and giving/ receiving gifts. I even had some rice put on future fertility… yeah that was way awkward.

Over all it was wonderful and everyone felt like we had participated in something very Indian. Not like living is enough of an experience already ;)

Sunday was a bitter sweet day for the BYU students and the missionaries. Our two US missionaries bid farewell to this fair Vizag and are getting home BEFORE US!!! I guess it is excusable because they left before us and all. Not to mention the whole two years without facebook, home cooked meals, AC, etc. Needless to say, Elder Zafara and Elder Loomis are rock solid and we’re going to miss them. Good thing is both of them will be going to University of Utah ( A decision we constantly ridicule and of course forgive them for) and we’ll be able to keep in touch. 

Good thing is that we still have Elder Stephen and Elder Kumbakar so we’ll have some good times and be able to teach for people about the truthfulness of the gospel. Woot!

The roomies and I have been going on little excursions to keep ourselves sane. The only suitable time of course is when it is cool which is EARLY in the morning. We go on little hikes and watch the sun rise. Make sure to note that you can’t really see the sun rise over the ocean… you only get to see it rise above the pollution… SAD!!! On Saturday we went to Tenneti Park and watched the sun rise, people doing some legit yoga, and Indian men  “working out” ( the Indian concept of working out is kinda really laughable, but I applaud them for their effort anyway).

My days have really been consumed in counting down days. Days til Holi (4 days). Days until my Telugu Final (8 days). Days til I leave Vizag (21 days). Days til I get to see the Taj Mahal (15 days). Days til I start "real" school again (42 days). Days until I see my Mom and Dad (28 days). Days til I see Stephanie (? days). Days til Cameron gets home from his mission (16 days). Days until I get to hug him when I get off the plane (28 days!!!). 

I wish I could say I've been doing more important things but Vizag is a pretty mellow city and we honestly haven't seen all that much of it. There doesn't seem to be any cheap fun compared to that of Provo.

Other than all of that, research is almost all done and our Telugu final is next week! Holy crap! I will eventually make it home J
16 days + 28 days! Life will soon be perfect!!

With Love From India,

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