Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back to Vizag Life

            It is HOT! It’s not as hot Indio, but nasty! 35 °C and 63% humidity (95 °F) is nasty! I have only 35 days left in India. Cameron has 23 days until he gets home from his mission. My sister will have had Jymmer by then and I will get to meet Sophia and Luke (the newest babies in my family). So much change to come home to and I’m way excited!
            Days here right now consist of research, research, research. I’m been conducting interviews and then transcribing them like a mad woman. If anyone reading this has worked for or knows my Mom you know how difficult is is to transcribe. Now try having it in a different language, with the louds noises of Vizag in the background, and with a translator who’s English isn’t all that great. My life is so much fun J … ugh! I seriously love it though.
            Please don’t misunderstand any of what I say. It is very difficult here, but it is so worth it and rewarding in other aspects. I love the hospitality of the people here and I love the members of the branches here in Vizag. I love that what I love most is church, choir, institute, teaching with the missionaries, making new LDS friends that are Telugu. Maybe I’m limited myself by hanging around the LDS crowd by choice, but I feel that I get so much exposure to the non-LDS Telugu culture that it’s okay to stay in my comfort zone in my free time.
            My ankle is getting better which means: YOGA! My roomies and friends won’t let me run on it yet for fear I’ll injure it again, but they are “letting” me do yoga. It’s pretty fun, so far we’ve only done the basics (which is pretty boring), but it’s going to get more fun I know it! We’re in a private class, but the classes on the other side of the building are doing advanced stuff. I’m sure we’ll move up quickly.
            With the free time I do have I tend to day dream about the next place I’m going to visit. I’m thinking about brushing up on my Spanish and then going to teach English in Mexico. Free time also gives me a lot of time to look up grad schools and figure out what I’m going to do with my career. Right now I’m looking into international disaster psychology. There’s a program offered through University of Denver. It’s a two year master’s program and you get field experience during the course work. It’s looking promising.
Anywho nothing much else is going on right now. Just loving life and counting down the days until I’m back in the arms of the people I love.

With love from India,

1 comment:

  1. Jaci dear. I must inform you that your nephew's name will be spelled with an i not a y. So Jimmer it is just like the namesake. Sorry for the confusion. Love you!
