Friday, January 7, 2011

Take Off

So tomorrow I'll be leaving on a jet plane, but I know when I'll be back again. I'm excited beyond belief! It's a kind of surreal feeling when you realize what you'll actually be doing. I sure that it won't fully hit me until after I get there.
At the moment I just need to get all my luggage together. Not to mention, I still haven't received approval for my project yet. Dr. Nuckolls (our program director) seems to be calm, so I guess I will follow his example, but I just can't imagine what I'm going to do without the proper approval to do my work.
I'm trying to learn phrases so that I won't be blind sided, but I'm certain that I'm pronouncing them all wrong. There are so many letters in one word and I always seem to get tongue tied no matter what I do. I hope and pray that my language class goes better than I'm hoping. I'm really quite terrible at foreign languages. Just ask Senorita Puente... oh that woman hated me! Maybe Telugu will prove differently.
Anywho, I'm going to return to packing and I will update you on more once I get there!
Oh my goodness. I'm going to India!

With love,


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