Friday, January 7, 2011

First thing's first

This is my blog to document my adventures is India. It surely will be one exciting adventure. I hope that I will be able to maintain this blog with the proper effort it requires. If you want to find out what I am doing either come here, facebook, or the weekly emails I will send around through my mom (

I am going to Visakahaptnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. I will be studying this language --> తెలుగు (Telugu). I will also be conducting a research project entitled "Shifting Views of Caste through Prosocial Behaviors". I will be studying the what people today think about the caste system and it's presence in their lives through the medium of stories. These stories will be based upon altruistic interactions between people of different castes.

I am so excited and I cannot wait for what an auspicious experience this will be.

With love,


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