Saturday, February 19, 2011

Moral of the story: God answers prayers

Last night I was talking with my Dad on  the phone. My parents took the weekend to see my sister Jen and her family while my sister is having some medical issues (here's the plug to please keep her in your prayers). Anywho, it happened to be drizzling and back home I had been seeing facebook reports of rain. All things considered I was getting rain hungry. I said a little prayer in my heart for rain in India. I knew it wasn't rainy season yet, but I could always make God laugh right?

3:34 AM Water?? Do I hear water? Oh no! Did we forget to turn off the water pump?! I run to the front room and the water pump is off. My heart jumps and I look outside... RAIN! Wake up, Wake up!!! My roomies and I danced in the rain for about 10 minutes. I spent the rest of the night listening to the rain as it slowly winds down and I drifted off to sleep.

9:41 AM Happy, but I smell like Indian rain... not very pleasant, but happy and grateful.

This is the expression of pure joy!

With love from India,

1 comment:

  1. NO WAY!!! i definitely slept through that. next time come wake me up sistah!
